
Taking A Mental Health Day

Taking A Mental Health Day

It’s been a hard month for you- in the work world and in your personal life. Sometimes we try to put our heads down and “just keep going”, but when should you take some time for yourself? Have you thought about taking a mental health day? I know, how on earth could I ever take a day off from work?! Follow along to see when it might be a good time to take a mental health day.

Signs you need a break:

  1. Your stress is becoming unhealthy. Your loved ones have noticed a change in you and might even be concerned.
  2. You’ve recently gone through something really hard. Whether it be losing a loved one, a major breakup, or just a mixture of personal problems.
  3. Your health is declining- physically and mentally. Maybe you’ve noticed your anxiety is at an all time high, or your blood pressure has gone up.
  4. Your performance at work has been slipping.

If you’re considering taking a mental health day, you might be wondering, “How do I take off from work for this?” Well, hopefully you have some vacation or sick days saved up. We would recommend putting in for your day off two weeks in advance if possible. Plan your day ahead of time so you can truly unplug and enjoy your day. It’s also good to note that if you take off on a Monday or Friday, you can have an extended weekend to enjoy yourself.


Mental Health Day Ideas:

  • Book a massage, facial, or hair appointment. Whatever it is that you like to do to pamper yourself- do it.
  • Shop for a new work outfit (if that’s your thing). Feeling good in your new clothes can motivate you when you return to work.
  • Take your favorite exercise class or go for a walk in the park. This will help boost your mood.
  • Schedule your mental health day with a loved one. Maybe you miss connecting with your spouse or you haven’t seen your mom in a while. Spend the day with someone you love!
  • Go to your favorite restaurant or sweet shop. Treat yourself to a nice meal!

If you feel that these negative feelings are continuing for you on a consistent basis, it may be time to talk to your doctor. We hope this article helps with scheduling your mental health day!

Helpful links for mental health:

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