content marketing

Companies using content marketing as part of their efforts generated 5X as many sales leads as companies using only traditional methods.

Content, in the form of blog posts, videos and podcasts, is where businesses who want to generate long-term value are putting their money. Both for the financial return and the goodwill it generates with customers.

we performed content marketing services for these brands.

we’d love for yours to go here too.

liberty logo
client logo

No one wants to be pressured into a sale

Consumers see, on average, 10,000 ads every single day.

Buy this. Act now. Limited time only.

As a society, it’s getting harder and harder to get out attention, and at the end of the day, no one wants to be talked at or sold on something.

Customers want to have a discussion, learn, and process information in the context of how their life can be made better.

Traditional marketing methods struggle with this.

content is how we demonstrate value and show respect to customers

It almost doesn’t matter what format it takes.

You can write blog posts. Produce video record podcasts.

As long as everything you produce has an eye to delivering some value to your customers, they’ll eat it up.

This isn’t sales material. We’re not asking people to buy something in this content, at least not directly.

We’re educating and informing, maybe even entertaining, and in doing so, we’re building a bond with our customers.

Putting in place the trust that makes selling easier.

how we’ll work together

Discovery: As with all of our projects, we begin content marketing with a discovery session to identify the client goals and establish a content strategy.

Content Planning: During the planning stage, we will evaluate the goals of the client, and create a content plan for routine creation, distribution and analysis (if applicable).

Content Review: All of our content will be submitted to the client for final approval before being published / printed.

Analytics: We strive to provide analytics for everything that we do at Spectruss. For digital content, analytics are typically easy to come by, and will be presented to the client at the end of the project. For print content, we will make our best effort to create a conversion point for tracking ROI.

client success

“Spectruss is a creative crew, it’s a fun crew, it’s a crew that got the culture of what we are after and I can’t recommend them highly enough.”


Festival Director
Lookout Wild Film Festival

“Spectruss upped our quality, upped our look, and upped our game overall in general.”


President | Owner
Fowler Brother’s Company Home & Patio

“Spectruss will take your brand and elevate it to the next level You will not be disappointed.”


Triple Board Certified Cosmetic Surgeon
Sturm Cosmetic Surgery


Content marketing, like SEO, isn't something that works overnight. First, we need a strategy. Who are we talking to, and what content will appeal to that audience. Then, we'll map out what form that content should take and how many pieces we'll need to start attracting an audience.
starting at $2,500/mo
  • Blog Posts
  • Content Distribution
  • Infographics
  • Longform Content
  • Buying Guides
  • Static Page Content
Spectruss offers payment plans and financing options

Book a time to discuss
Spectruss as your content marketing agency today


Q. Do people still read blogs?

A. Content marketing, in the form of blog posts (audio and video), is often the most successful method for driving business in 2022. Not only do customers read blogs, but they also can't get enough.

Q. How will a podcast help my business?

A. When podcasts (like blog posts and videos) offer value to your current or potential customers, you build trust when they educate and inform. And when someone trusts you, they'll buy anything you have to offer.

Q. Can I publish this content anywhere?

A. A big part of our strategy of creating once and reusing repeatedly is piggybacking on the authority of other platforms to give extra weight to the content you create. For example, publishing on LinkedIn or Medium can be a great way to tap into new audiences.

Q. What if I don't like being in front of the camera?

A. There are lots of options these days for making video content. Animations, affordable spokespeople, younger staff. It doesn't have to be you alone representing your business.

Q. Are you sure there is a story my business can tell?

A. There is always a story to tell, most often, one of your customers.

If you’d like to discuss content marketing in more detail or have questions, we’re here to help. Tap or click the I want more information button to drop us a line.


10 content marketing terms you need to know

CPC (Cost-per-Click)

Cost per click (CPC) is an online advertising revenue model in which websites charge advertisers based on the number of times visitors click on a display ad attached to their sites.

CTR (Click-through Rate)

The click-through rate (CTR) in online advertising is the percentage of people who view a web page and then click on a specific advertisement that appears on that page. Click-through rates assess how effective an advertisement was in capturing users' attention.

Ad Impression

The number of times an ad is served, regardless of whether the user sees or interacts with the ad in any way.

Attribution Model

When multiple touchpoints are involved, an attribution model is a set of rules or guidelines establishing the terms a promotional source gets credit for a sale.

Native Marketing

A type of online advertising takes on the appearance and functionality of the platform on which it appears. Its goal is to make advertisements feel less like advertisements and more like a part of the conversation. It is usually a piece of sponsored content that is relevant to the consumer experience, isn't intrusive, and looks and feels like it belongs in the same editorial environment.

Cost-per-lead (CPL)

The cost of acquiring a lead for your organization. This has a significant impact on CAC (customer acquisition cost) and is a metric marketers should pay close attention to.

Cost of Customer Acquisition (CAC)

Your total cost of sales and marketing. To calculate CAC for a specific period (month, quarter, or year), follow these steps: - Total the program, or advertising spend plus salaries, commissions, bonuses, and overhead. - Divide the total number of new customers in that period by two.

Conversion Rates Optimization (CRO)

The process of increasing your site's conversion rate through design techniques, fundamental optimization principles, and testing. It entails giving your website visitors an experience that will convert them into customers. CRO is most commonly used to optimize web pages or landing pages, but it can also optimize social media, CTAs, and other aspects of your marketing.

Lookalike Audiences

This is a method of targeting customers similar to those you already have, by up loading email lists to your Facebook ad campaign. Facebook will then search for new matching users to target.


A piece of code placed on your website to track visitors. It collects analytics and data on your customers and their interactions with your website. Because the pixel on your site tracks every visitor, you can use this information to target them in future Facebook ads.

with Spectruss


100 W M.L.K. Blvd
Suite 720
Chattanooga, TN

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