
Creating a Viral Video by Bypassing Facebook Censors

Spectruss didn’t let Facebook’s ban on firearms stifle sales for a client


The social media giant, Facebook, announced it was banning the sale of guns and ammunition on the site in 2016. Recently, it included ads for weapon modification accessories. An example of this would be gun safes, mounts, gun cases, and slings. Since Liberty Safes of Chattanooga is a client of Spectruss, this became a challenge to effectively promote the business online. But, with a little creativity and some fun, the team at Spectruss created an entertaining commercial featuring “Randy the Safe Guy” and devised a clever way to get around the ban – censor any mention of the word “gun.” It resulted in receiving over 1 million global views and was shared by big websites, like Reddit.

Check out the hilarious video below:

“It’s a safe for all purposes — you can store anything in there, from your family heirlooms to your lunch.”


Info Wars

“The most brilliant gun safe ad ever.”



Reddit, an American social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website, picked up the commercial just six days ago with the caption, “I just stumbled across this gem while looking at safes.” It’s already received hundreds of engagements and 4.4K up likes.



Digg, the homepage of the internet, named the commercial the “Most Brilliant Gun Safe Ad We’ve Ever Seen”. The platform features the best articles, videos, and original content that the web is talking about right now. (



On Facebook, its received a reach of over 300K, with only $600 spent on advertising.

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