
The Ultimate Content Marketing Plan

You have an important message.  You have a website for people to see the message and take action.

The only problem: Nobody goes to your site to actually see the message.

You could advertise.  However, that has it’s own set-of challenges.

This is why you need a comprehensive content marketing plan!

What exactly is content marketing?

According to The Content Marketing Institute:

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.


Content Marketing Plan

The important part about content marketing is that you want to create something of value for your ideal customer.  This piece of content cannot be just some ebook or blog post using generic content.  This content needs to be so amazing that it get’s shared within the audience that you are trying to attract.

Examples of Amazing Content Marketing:

  1. Lego Club Magazine by Lego
  2. Food & Family Magazine by Kraft Food
  3. Lauren Luke makeup videos by Lauren Luke (eBay seller)
  4. Health Hub Magazine by Cleveland Clinic
  5. The Furrow Magazine by John Deere agricultural machinery (began 1895!)

Aside from being a time-tested way to attract customers, millenials are especially attracted to content marketing.

After you develop content for your site, you now need a marketing plan to promote the content.  Use the checklists below to get some ideas on how to promote your content.

Content Marketing Plan

Once you have organized your content for sharing and optimized your headline to grab attention, you need to focus on marketing your content.

Here are some questions to ask:

Are you going to promote this content to your email list?

Are you going to syndicate this content to other sites?

Can you submit this content to any online forums?

Does the content mention other individuals and companies so they can promote the content?

Have you used social media meta tags?

Can you make slides outlining the content and put on SlideShare?

When do you plan on publishing the content?

What is a “content upgrade” you can offer so people can give you their email and get something of value?

Are you talking and promoting other people’s content?


Social Promotion

Social media is extremely important in sharing your content.

You want to produce content that not only gets viewed but also gets shared across social media.  It will take time to figure out exactly what type of content will get shared on the different types of social media platforms


Here are a few questions to consider.

Are you connecting on Twitter with your audience?

Are you using sub-reddits to add value and build a following?

Are you active in Facebook Groups that are relative to your company?

Are you active in LinkedIn Groups that are relative to your company?

Do you mention other experts when sharing on social media?

Are you scheduling your social media posts to when your audience is online? (Hint: this is REALLY important)


Promotional Tools

If you really want to leverage content marketing and are not prepared to work full-time, you need to leverage tools so you can be productive and efficient with promoting your content.

Here are a few resources you can use:

Use a tool like Buzzsumo to see what type of content is getting shared the most on social media that is relative to your subject matter.

Use a sharing tool like to add traffic back to your site no matter whose content you are sharing.

Use a tool like if you are interested in curating an internet style newspaper that is relative to your audience.

Use Click to Tweet so your audience can easily share your content on twitter.

Use Buffer to schedule your content promotion on social media sites.


The best part about content marketing is you control who talks about your brand.  Well, you at least control the start of the conversation.

Below are some action points after you publish your content?

Remarket to past visitors.

Reach-out to traditional journalist who publish content within your niche.

Curate content from other and republish on your domain.

Send direct messages to influencers on LinkedIn.

Reach out to people who share content similar to yours.




Hopefully these checklists will help you produce more engaging content with your audience.  Content marketing can easily become overwhelming.  The most important thing to remember is to take action.

Don’t try and implement everything at once.  If you attempt this nothing will actually get done.  Just focus on implementing one thing on the checklist.

If you need help creating content or want to talk about different ways you can attract more customers to your business, contact us at Spectruss by phone or email.


Have a great day!

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