
Most Common Marketing Myths

The world of marketing is fast-paced and always changing. It can be hard to keep up. There’s a lot of misconceptions out there about marketing your business and we are here to debunk five of the most common marketing myths.

Myth 1: Marketing is the same as advertising


While marketing and advertising often go hand in hand, there is actually a significant difference between the two.

Marketing refers to the ongoing plan that scopes the entire process of selling a product or service – everything from branding, design, strategy, SEO, web development and social media. 

Whereas advertising is just one aspect of your marketing plan (but a very important one at that!) This encompasses creating, placing, and promoting ads across different channels to spread the word to your audience about your company. The key to successful advertising is to make sure your messaging is consistent with all other aspects of your marketing.





Myth 2: It worked for another company, so it will work for us


Successful marketing isn’t a copy-and-paste solution for every business.

Each business has its own brand, messaging, products/services, and target audience. So your marketing efforts need to be unique to your company! Be authentic with your marketing. Really knowing your audience and your brand messaging is crucial for devising a great marketing strategy tailored to your business.



Myth 3: Marketing is for only attracting new customers

Actually, acquiring new customers is only half the battle. It’s important to make sure your marketing efforts not only bring in new customers, but also retain the ones you do have!

Incentivizing your current customers to engage with your brand and keep them coming back is crucial for successful marketing. Otherwise, you will forever be chasing after new customers and losing them just as quickly as they came.



Myth 4: Marketing should deliver fast results

If you aren’t seeing an immediate payoff in your marketing, something must be wrong….right? Nope. Marketing takes time.

While digital marketing has faster results than traditional marketing methods, it still takes consistency and data analysis. It may take several clicks and website visits before a consumer converts into a customer. And then from there, you must use that data to tweak your marketing strategies to make them that much better.



Myth 5: Great products and services sell themselves

Having quality products or services is great, but what good is that if no one knows about it? Chances are, you have a competitor or two. And if you sit back and wait for customers to find you, it’s very likely that your competitor will get to them first.

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How to Spring Clean Your Business

Spring is in the air! A time for flowers blooming, birds chirping, warmer weather and… deep cleaning. Yes, we all know that when this time of year rolls around, it’s time for closet cleanouts, home reorganization, yard work…the list can go on and on. Spring cleaning might feel like a big undertaking, but the end results are so worth it – – a decluttered, re-energized, happy home. Now, let’s spring clean your business!

But, spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to your house. It’s also important for businesses too! By taking a yearly deep dive into your business, you can evaluate what areas are doing well and what areas may need a breath of fresh air.

Ready to revitalize your business this spring? Here are a few tips to get you started!

Spice up your social media presence

It’s no secret that social media is extremely beneficial for building customer relationships and growing your business. However, if your social media isn’t getting the traction you hoped, it might be time to give it a refresh.

Update bios: One of the quickest and easiest ways to spice up your social media is to update your bios on all of your social media platforms. Add some personality and even some emojis to make it fun. Also, be sure that your website link, phone number, and address are all up to date.

Get personal: People will get tired of only seeing products and services on a social media business page. They also want to see faces behind the brand! Share employee spotlights, fun facts, and hobbies away from work to give your social media a personal touch and attract customer engagement.

Create short-form video content: Okay, we’ve all seen the Tik Toks and Instagram Reels explode over the last year…and people love it. Creating quick, interesting videos is a great way to capture the attention of your audience and showcase your brand.

Re-energize your customer service

Has your company recently taken the time to see how satisfied your customers are with your business? Luckily, you don’t have to be a mind reader to figure out what they want…you just simply ask them! A customer satisfaction survey is a great way to get feedback on a product or service, determine how customers feel about your level of service, and even gather testimonials.

Based on customer responses, your company can then determine what practices, products, or services could be improved to offer an even better experience for your customers.

Declutter your desk

This may seem like a no-brainer, but organizing your desk can significantly boost productivity. In fact, a recent study found that executives waste six weeks a year searching for lost items or information. Yikes!

Maybe you’re back in the office, or maybe still working from home, or maybe your workweek is even split between the office and home. Wherever your work desk is, now is a great time to do a deep clean so you can feel organized, focused, and motivated.

Tidy up your website

Is your website in need of an update? Chances are, your business has undergone some kind of change in the last year. Don’t let your website fall behind.

Just like our lives, your company website could benefit from a yearly spring cleaning. Maybe your site could use a content or SEO update, or maybe your entire design needs a revamp. Your company website is the face of your brand, so make sure it measures up!

Refresh your logo

Spring is a time of new beginnings. Is your logo feeling a bit dull or outdated? It might be time to think about a redesign for your brand. Giving your logo a new, updated look is a great way to give your business a breath of fresh air, but it is also important that in doing so you stay true to your brand.

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200 W M.L.K. Blvd
Suite 901
Chattanooga, TN 37402

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