Digital Marketing

3 Ways to Optimize your Marketing in the Furniture Industry

Spectruss works seamlessly in many different industries and brands, but one that hits really close to home (pun intended) is our partnership with Fowler Brothers Company Home & Patio

Now, what you might not know is that Fowler Brothers Co. was formerly known as two separate businesses called The Patio Shop and The Furniture Shoppe. One single store, with essentially two separate brands. 

Initially, Fowler Brothers Co. was outsourcing all of their marketing to multiple different agencies. One handled social media and digital advertising, one handled website design and management, one handled radio and tv marketing, etc. This way of business created brand inconsistency, increased margins and unnecessary hassle for Fowler Brothers Co. This is where Spectruss comes in! 


Streamline your marketing 

We were contacted to be their full-service, in-house marketing and advertising agency. The reason for turning to an agency like Spectruss is because all of your marketing efforts can be streamlined and perfected through one funnel as opposed to being touched by many different parties. It’s like that game of telephone everyone played as kids where you whispered something in your neighbor’s ear and they passed it to the next person with the end goal being that the last person can repeat what you initially told your neighbor. It never turned out that way though! Too many people were involved in telling the story, so the message got lost. The same thing happens in marketing all the time when we allow so many different hands to touch our branding and messaging. 

Like previously mentioned, Fowler Brothers Co. was not always known by that name. Spectruss’ first course of action was to source all of “The Furniture Shoppe’s” marketing needs into one strategic and monthly generated campaign. We started handling their digital and print advertisements, social media, monthly TV campaigns and overall brand awareness. Not only did we save them time and money, but we significantly boosted their sales with a 24% increase on foot traffic by strategically streamlining all of their marketing efforts. 


Don’t be afraid to rebrand 

After a year of this partnership, we found there were many challenges in having one store with two separate brands. After strategizing and researching, we decided it would be best to consolidate the two names into one to eliminate potential confusion to customers as well as to strengthen the brand and spend marketing dollars more efficiently. 

We immediately started working on a rebranding pitch to turn the brands The Patio Shop and The Furniture Shoppe into Fowler Brothers Company. Our goal was “One name. One Store. One Company.”

Fowler Brothers Co. has a 135-year long history in Chattanooga and we really wanted to ensure we could commemorate the past while moving toward the future. While paying respects to the family-owned business, we created a new logo that stayed true to the original vision of the business that long-time patrons would recognize. We also developed a new website, e-commerce store, and a unified social media account so that the brand experience would be all encompassing from one channel to the next.


Use e-commerce stores to your advantage 

It’s easy in the furniture business to hyper focus on getting people through the door and while that will always be important, we have to know the direction the world is moving. Long are the days when people only bought furniture by going into a brick and mortar store and browsing for hours. Now, that will always be the preferred method for some, but others love the convenience and simplicity and looking online for any and all home decor. Don’t let this scare you! 

The new site we designed for Fowler Brothers Co. features interactive pages that allow customers to select their style choices and rooms they’re looking to furnish for a customized interior design recommendation. Product visuals are everything for online shopping! Don’t be afraid to create the best online purchasing platform available for your customers. In fact, the ease of your e-commerce store might prompt customers to stop by and try out the products before they purchase. 

If you’re in the furniture industry and you’re looking to optimize your marketing, book a 20 minute call with us to strategize about the future of your business! 

200 W M.L.K. Blvd
Suite 901
Chattanooga, TN 37402

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